SculpSure Specialist
Gynecology Specialists of Philadelphia
Stubborn pockets of body fat can stick around despite all of your diligent dieting and sweat sessions at the gym. At Gynecology Specialists of Philadelphia, Sonya Lee, MD, and her team of women’s health experts provide noninvasive body contouring with SculpSure® to get rid of unwanted body fat for good. If you have some extra flab around your abdomen that won’t go away, call Gynecology Specialists or book an appointment online today.
SculpSure Q & A
What is SculpSure body contouring?
SculpSure is a noninvasive treatment that targets and eliminates excess body fat. This procedure uses laser technology to destroy fat cells.
Even if you lose weight, fat cells never leave your body. They may shrink, but the collection of fat cells can create pockets of flab that won’t disappear, despite your best efforts. This can make you feel as if you’ll never get the body of your dreams.
Advances in noninvasive body contouring have led to SculpSure: A way to permanently get rid of fat cells, without liposuction. One 25-minute SculpSure treatment destroys up to 24% of the targeted fat cells. Once these fat cells are gone, they never grow back.
What does SculpSure do?
SculpSure sends heat from a laser through the layers of your skin. This laser targets and destroys fat cells. Over time, your body naturally flushes out the dead fat cells, leaving you with a firm, toned body.
SculpSure is FDA-cleared to reduce fat in the following common problem areas:
- Abdomen
- Love handles
- Back
- Inner and outer thighs
Who is a good candidate for SculpSure?
SculpSure body contouring is safe for all skin types. This procedure works best on people who want to reduce fat in one of the approved areas.
SculpSure isn’t a treatment for weight loss. If you have a body mass index of 30 or above, it may not be right for you. The best way to find out if you’re a good candidate for SculpSure is by discussing your concerns with the experienced team at Gynecology Specialists.
What should I expect from a SculpSure procedure?
SculpSure treatments last about 25 minutes. The procedure is painless, but you may feel a warm, tingling sensation from time to time.
There’s no downtime needed for recovery, and you should be able to return to work or normal activities immediately after your appointment. You can even schedule a SculpSure treatment during your lunch hour!
Although results vary from person to person, most patients don’t need more than two treatments. The team at Gynecology Specialists design a customized body contouring plan based on your unique needs.
If you’re struggling to lose those last few inches and want to know how SculpSure can help, call Gynecology Specialists or book an appointment online today.